Sunday, September 29, 2019

Islam spread rapidly Essay

I went through various different websites on the internet trying to find out why Islam was spread so rapidly, I found so many diverse answers, but the most answer that I kept on finding was ‘The Sword’. The sword is when Muslims give non-Muslims two options, either they convert to Islam or they have to face death. Some believed that Prophet Muhammad, peace upon him, was a violent man, who forced non Muslims into Islam. They also believe that Early Islam was less tolerant to other religions, other than that they believe that Arabs and Muslims in General hated Christians and Jews, and wanted them to Vanish from earth. I disagree with what I’ve read. Prophet Muhammad was known for his kindness and his respect for other religion, adding to that, he tried to follow the steps of the prophets that came before him, and he admired them. His main idea was to spread harmony between all religions and to create peace. Muslims have not forced others into Islam and didn’t kill non Muslims because they wouldn’t convert. Prophet Muhammad had announced to non Muslims that they only have to pay taxes if they didn’t want to convert, other than that they were treated respectfully by Muslims and others. Also, I’m not the only one who is disagreeing with such things. The webpage that I attached in the end of this paper also tries to show that Islam being spread by the sword is only a Myth. In the Western Civilization volume one book, starting from page 252 it speaks about how Islam was spread. It states that Islam was spread because of its harmony and tolerance also because of the Prophet Muhammad great personality, and not to forget about the holy wars and Abu Baker. Those had a huge impact on non Muslims who converted to Islam. The message of Islam in early days was rapidly spread through the Middle East, North Africa, Spain, West Africa, East Africa, Eastern Europe, Asia Minor, the Caucasus, Central Asia, Afghanistan, India, Western China, and the Malay Archipelago. They all converted to Islam not because they were forced to, but because they have learned and saw how real Muslims acted and were. Prophet Mohammed has introduced Islam in a very lovable way, He faced difficulties, such as hater from Qurish, people threw rocks at him, and he was cursed and hit many, many times, however, he didn’t stop. He continued spreading the Islam. A lot of people followed him and supported him, until the day of his death. After the prophet, peace upon him, passed away Abu Baker was firmed in spreading Islam around the world. Abu baker was declared as the caliph, and the second-in-command of Mohammed. He created a powerful military that restrained all the Arab trips that didn’t accept successor’s establishment. Other than that, his force of military started to slowly move further than the borders of Arabia. Not to forget to mention that Arabs were not interested in conquering other cities because they wanted to spread Islam. Arabians actually hoped that the cities they conquered wouldn’t convert to Islam, so Arabians could preserve their own individuality as a society of leaders and tax gatherers. Anyhow, Arabia was mostly interested in conquering other cites for the wealth and the power, and as I mentioned earlier, not to spread Islam. There were a lot of weak cities beside them that motivated the Arabs to start conquering, also, the idea of new riches played a huge part. There are a lot of reasons why Islam spread so fast, other than the ones that are already mentioned in this text or the webpage that is attached to this paper. People need to know the truth about Islam, and nee to stop judging it based on Myths and lies.

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